English/Spanish translator in Gandia

English/Spanish translator in Gandia area

Do you need an English/Spanish translator in Gandia? If you do then contact us now. We have a native English lady on our staff who is bi-lingual in English and Spanish.

At Access English one of our staff is an English lady who has grown up in both the UK and Spain, with much of her schooling undertaken within Gandia. She speaks both English and Spanish fluently and is used to translating both for businesses and for individuals. Having undertaken numerous appointments around Gandia to help people, she knows the local state and private doctors and hospitals well. She also has a considerable experience of visits to a variety of state offices, businesses and institutions.

Discreet and charming, our translator can help you resolve your language problems – whether they are related to your business or your personal life. As a language teacher, she has an excellent command of Spanish and can be relied upon to help you effectively and quickly.

English/Spanish translator in Gandia

*Hospital and doctor’s appointments

*Interpreting at government or institutional offices

*Translations of Spanish documents and vice versa

*Communication with businesses

Certainly it can be daunting if you do not Speak Spanish (or good Spanish) if you have a medical, accounting or legal problem. Just misunderstanding something simple can be costly. Equally, if you are to be effective at a government office or with a business then you always need to be able to communicate effectively. With our English/Spanish translator in Gandia at your side, you will find many problems disappear or can be resolved quickly.

Of course, at Access English we undertake all types of translations as well. So, if you have documents that you do not understand then bring them to us and we can translate or transcribe them into English for you. Alternatively if you need a document translated into Spanish then contact us and we can also undertake this.

After many years living and working in Spain we know the value of clear and precise communication. It is essential – if you want to avoid problems or make sure that some action you wish to take is effective – or if you want to make sure there is no misunderstanding about instructions you want to provide.

So do contact us now and let us help you!

Lindsay Snelling

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